Sunday, 24 June 2007

Oral Blog Entry Three - Film Review (Titanic)


I watched this movie as a video. The movie was made in 1997 by the director James Cameron.
It was the story of the sinking of the ship Titanic early in the twenty century but it was told as a love story between two young people , Rose (Kate Winslett) and Jack (Lenardo Di Caprio). The movie opens with an old lady, Rose, seeing some television about people trying to get some things from the shipwreck including a famous diamond but all they found was a picture of a young lady wearing the diamond. She talks to the people and tells them she was the young lady and then the movie tells their story. She was young and from a rich family who want her to marry with a man she did not really like. She tried to kill herself but Jack talked her out of it and then they started to see each other. Jack was poor and her family did not like this and tried to stop them seeing each other including putting Jack in jail on the ship. Rose helped to get him out and then the ship hit the ice and started to sink. Rose and Jack got of the ship and jump into the sea. The water was very cold. Most people died , only some people were saved and Jack had just frozen before Rose was saved. The pictures are very clear and look like they are real true things. I think this movie is the best movie I have ever seen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

11 November 2008 at 6:46 pm


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