Monday, 18 June 2007

Text Blog Entry Eight - an article about China in the Singapore Straits Times

Here is a link to an article about the Giant Panda found only in China. The Giant Panda is one of the worlds most endangered animal and there are only about 1000 living, in provinces in the northwest of China. This article tells how the first panda to be artificially bred has died, at the age of five. It is thought that the panda fell from a high place after a fight for food or living space with other pandas. The panda had been living in the wild from April 2006 and was being monitored with a tracking device. To help the pandas to breed the Chinese government has set up the Giant Panda Protection and Research Centre. I choose this artilcle because the Giant Panda is the most famous animal in China and is known all over the world and a lot of people are interested about any Panda news.


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