Monday, 23 April 2007

Week Six Text Blog Entry Four - a narrative or recount

This is about 13 - years old - born Stephanie Benningtonswim across Cook Srait. She is the youngest person to do the swim. To do this she had to battle through hordes of jellyfish and cold waters to complete her swim in eight hours and 10 minutes. She came ashore at Perano Head at the tip of the South Island about 5:30pm yesterday after beginning her marathon swim earlier in the day south of Makara beach on Wellingt0n"s South coast. One of her support crew was Phillip Rush who has made two double crossings and described her swim as impresive. I chose this article because I think this girl is very brave. Most of the verb forms which explain what happened are in the past simple form. There is one example of the present perfect simple -"who has achieved a double crossing of the Cook Strait." indicate the event took place before the time being referred to.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Oral Blog Entry - A Diploma Lecture (week 6: Unions In New Zealand)

This Lecture was given by Sarah Hardman,who is a lecture and ASTE branch chairperson. She explained what a union stand for. The union is a workers organized into a voluntary association to further their mutual with respect to wages, hours, working condition and other matters of interest to the workers. When people joint together, they are more stronger . They can get more good deal in pay rates,hours of work, working condition such as holidays sick pay and workplace safety and equality of opportunity. This is the reason why people need a union. But unions are voluntary, you can choose if you want to join.In New Zealand there are about 330,000 people belonging to unions and 51.5% are women. The members vote for their leader who help them to negotiated with employers. If you want to know more information about unions, you can click here.